Monday, September 3, 2012

Blog #1 - Columbus to Creationism

     As I was reading the Introduction, I noticed a connection between how the Indians were mistreated on their own land and forced to move and die off to the situation of the LGBT community today.

     In America, the quote "Your land is my land" has been around for awhile. We're all supposedly deemed "equal." But is this really true? Not at all. At least not in my opinion. Just like when "America" was first established, we are STILL trying to force people to conform to our wants. There are so many issues now with the LGBT community. Many people in this nation don't like the fact that they want their rights to marriage and equality, just like the rest of the American population. They're being denied their rights, even though we're all equal. One could even go as far as to say that we're trying to do them like we once did the Indians...push them out of our population. The Indians were sent on the Trail of Tears, and soon began to die off. Now, only a few exist. Sooner or later, it might become the same way with the LGBT community if some change doesn't happen. Charles Worley, a North Carolina preacher, believes that all of the LGBT community should be fenced so that they can't reproduce and will die off. (View the video here.) Some big-time corporations, like Chik-Fil-A (which I'm sure most of you have heard about already) are even funding anti-gay organizations that are trying to make gay actions illegal and groups that feel as if the gay community should be exported out of America. If you're a supporter of Chik-Fil-A and aren't knowledgeable as to where their money is going, I strongly encourage you to read this article. What I concluded from the reading and this connection though, is that there's ALWAYS going to be some form of hate crimes going, regardless of the time. Unless we make some serious changes and learn to accept everyone.

     On a happier note, I found the Navajo and Iroquois creation stories to be incredibly interesting. Their take on the way the earth and humans were created is quite different from the Bible's telling of the way the world started. But at the same time, there were also some similarities. Some of the similarities include good and evil (God and Satan), stealing, floods, infidelity, etc. As for me, I'm not really sure how the world was created. I'd like to believe that the Bible is the accurate story, but no one really knows for sure. It could have even started with a big bang, as some scientists and the Barenaked Ladies (see video for a catchy tune...You'll already know it if you're a Big Bang Theory fan) would say. And no one will ever know...but it's still cool to see how other people think the world started. Even if it is as weird as someone falling onto a turtle and popping out a good and evil spirit.

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